Ages 3 – 7

HIVE includes pre-k, kindergarten and 1st grade levels. Grades will be further broken down within the class during table work & activities

HIVE Kinder

Hive Kindergarten will be following a theme of learning the beginning basics of reading and recognizing phonics sounds through tablework, activities and or course reading! What an exciting year our Kinders will have learning that they can read! Being that they are just coming out of pre-k there will still be plenty of free play, circle time, show-n-tell, calendar work, songs, sensory based activities, story time. crafts, music, gym and explorative science! How fun it will be to watch our young ones grow leaps and bounds. Whether it’s learning how to make friends or share, write their name or read, discover with a hands-on approach or free play, the Kinders are going to flourish. Another benefit of HIVE Kinder at LIFE ACADEMY is getting to watch your child in a Christmas and Spring Special, and of course Graduation Ceremony!

Science for Little Hearts and Hands

We are so excited about this brand new curriculum from the Good and the Beautiful that we are adding at Life Academy! This is a gentle introduction to science for the youngest learners in both Pre-K and Kindergarten Pods.  They will get to explore God’s amazing creation learning about bees, trees and so much more!

  • Short, engaging lessons

  • Beautifully illustrated science storybook

  • Videos packed with learning

  • Science activities

  • Foundational scientific learning presented in a child-friendly way

HIVE 1st

Our HIVE 1st will be graduating from the more simple beginner kindergarten phonics sounds and combinations, to more advanced word recognition, reading and comprehension. What an exciting year we will have as we encourage and challenge the growing minds of our 1st graders. Still implementing circle time, calendar work, songs, show and tell, table time, worksheets, sensory based activities, gym, crafts, music and stories will help make the day fun with an activity based, hands-on approach. We are so excited to watch our young ones begin to blossom and flourish in their education, socialization, creativity, and God-given individuality. Another benefit of HIVE 1st at LIFE ACADEMY is getting to watch your child in a Christmas and Spring Special, and of course Graduation Ceremony!

Physical Education

Another brand new addition for our for both Pre-K and Kindergarten HIVE pods, is a separate class outside the classroom for games, movement, group activities, and gym! This is an excellent way to get the wiggles and energy out, but even more so to develop gross motor skills that are vital to our young ones development. Please note that we will be outside as often as the weather permits so dress accordingly. This class runs through both semesters.

Kinder Music Class

Also NEW this year for both Pre-k and Kindergarten Pods is our Kinder Music class! Once again, engaging a whole new part of the brain through music in our Kinder Music class. Song, movement, rhythm, and so much more! This class runs through both semesters.

Engage their
growing curiosity, nurture their bravery, and develop lifelong friendships

It all begins with a brave young one, who shows up to class, and says hello to a new table friend. At first they are a bit shy, not so sure of themselves, but as the year progresses so does their friendships, so does their curiosity, so does their courage. At LIFE ACADEMY, growth is inevitable and friendships thrive; we just foster the atmosphere.


Kinder - 1st

This includes all supplies, books, curricula and miscellaneous items


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